GDPA ElectionsThe GDPA leadership consists of the following Fellow Member elected officers: President, President-Elect, Immediate Past President, Secretary, Treasurer, and Director At Large/SDPA Liaison. Every two years the GDPA hosts elections for the aforementioned offices. The President-Elect office automatically leads to the President office after a two year term of service, and the President office automatically leads to the office of Immediate Past President after another two year term of service. Eligibility for elections are determined by the GDPA Bylaws found in the Member Document Library. A call for nominations is sent out prior to elections by the Immediate Past President and members will be notified in advance of the election process. Eligibility to vote is also determined by the GDPA Bylaws and consists of Fellow Members who are dues current. Elections take place in the Spring of every year that ends in an even number (every 2 years) and officers transition July 1st of the same year in which they are elected. |